Sunday, September 13, 2009

Worst. Hangover. Ever.

Yeah, so I had a really rotten hangover yesterday. It wasn't so much the nausea or the headache... that went away pretty quickly. I just felt like I was dying, and I was horribly crabby and emotional and pretty paranoid. I didn't drink all that much, but I couldn't take my medicine that night and I think it washed out of my system really quickly and I had a really bad reaction from it. I probably should've taken the bf to the hospital 'cause I'm pretty sure he had alcohol poisoning, but I was in no shape to drive and he's not as well covered by health insurance as I am. In any case, we've resolved to stop drinking for a while, especially considering we both made huge asses of ourselves. Never good. I'm feeling a hell of a lot better today. The person I'm unfortunately still married to is shaking me down for money I don't have, and that's pretty frustrating. Luckily the bf starts his job tomorrow so I more than likely won't have to spend my entire disability check on rent next month. My former job totally fucked me over yet again as far as unemployment's concerned and now I can't get it till the middle of October and at a reduced amount. Sigh. The money situation's getting pretty desperate, and I'm considering some rather drastic measures to remedy it. Hopefully it won't come to that.

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