Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fun shoot yesterday

I had a really fun shoot yesterday. I worked with a photographer visiting from Seattle, and we shot at Magnolia Plantation, which is easily one of my favorite places in town. I got to climb trees and crawl through bushes and go places that had "do not enter" signs and get topless where there was a good possibility of getting caught, and it was all around a good time. I'm sure we got some really cool shots, and it kills me to have to wait a couple weeks till he gets the pictures back to me. Ah well. I had fun, and really that's what modeling is to me. At this point it's more a hobby than anything else. Hopefully it'll eventually be more than that, but only time will tell. As I get more experienced and build my portfolio more, perhaps more paying jobs will come my way. As far as other stuff goes, I'm BROKE, but I still managed to pick up the latest issue of Cosmopolitan. I never read it before leaving my husband, but I swear it's got so much information... absolutely fascinating! I'm an addict. I might as well save some money and get a subscription or something.

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