Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fictionalizing the reality

Well, considering all that has transpired in my life over the last year or so, I am considering writing a short story and/or novel based on it all. Of course, that means I'd need to fictionalize it to some degree, more out of protection for myself than any of the key players. I don't really care if it hits too close to home for my husband, because he did me so wrong that I don't mind if something I write makes him uncomfortable. But I might take up a pen name or something to protect myself from scrutiny from my family... after all, they've never heard the whole story. They've never known the depths of the betrayal. So if I could quietly pass off my story as a good work of fiction, maybe that could protect them in some way. But in essence, I want to keep the story the same. Change names, locations, dates, etc., but mainly tell it like it was. I'll give it a shot and see how it works out.

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