Saturday, June 12, 2010

On another note

I checked out my credit report today. Not my score, but my report. Although I'm using most of my available credit, which isn't such a good thing, I have nothing negatively affecting my score right now, so I'm pretty happy about that. I've got a couple bills in collections, but I'm making payments on them at least, so that seems to be keeping my credit out of the red. Now I just have to work on paying off my credit card and those debts, as well as paying off Clayton's debts. I thought I'd always be content to live an an apartment, but really, having a house to ourselves is so much better, and one day I'd like to own a house. I know home ownership is down the road a ways, but I'd really like to have our credit repaired so we have the option of getting a mortgage rather than renting for the rest of our lives. As far as future plans go, I'd really really like to be able to get off government assistance and have a real job. I want a normal life... as normal as it gets for a person with my illness. I'm just really scared to go off social security disability, because there's no getting it back once I lose it, and what if I can't handle a real job?

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