Monday, November 30, 2009

Back from Missouri

The bf and I went to Missouri for the week of Thanksgiving to visit his family. I was terrified that they wouldn't like me, but it seems like they like me quite a bit, which is awesome. The boy has a HUGE extended family... being a blended family I find that pretty easy to believe, but it was a little overwhelming trying to remember everyone's name. It was great seeing the bf so happy. We're considering moving up to Missouri to be closer to his family. It would be a big step for me, but I think by the time our lease runs out down here I'll be ready to take it. I have a lot of faith in our relationship and I think if we're going to move away, we should at least be somewhere where one of us has a support network.

We both gained weight while we were up there, and that's the freaking last straw for me. We need to eat better, exercise, and quit smoking (cigarettes are really expensive down here, and more up there). I am not content to be as heavy as I've gotten, and I know he wants to lose weight too. We can always start by walking around the apartment complex every night and gradually work up to jogging or bike riding. As for what we eat, that kind of falls on my shoulders to buy healthy groceries and prepare food at home. I'm not saying the bf's a bad cook, but I'm sort of a control freak when it comes to cooking so I'd just as soon cook myself. I'll have to look around online for recipes for simple healthy meals that don't cost a lot.

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