*SIGH* This is officially the last picture of me with my purple hair. I loved it, but it's already gone back to something "natural", both grudgingly and gladly. Why gladly, if I loved it so much? BECAUSE I GOT A JOB!!! *celebrates* Okay, I'll admit, the job is neither fantastic nor glamorous. I'm going to be a waitress at Denny's. But who gives a fuck? Not me. I like the idea of being able to pay my rent, thank you very much. And it's actually a pretty nice place. But the first words out of the hiring manager's mouth when I sat down were, "The purple is gorgeous, but it's gotta go." Ah well. I got the job. I knew I'd give up my wild hair in a second to take a job. And now I have a job and dark brown hair with only the slightest hint of purple in the background.
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