Drinking is bad, m'kay? That's why I don't do it. No, I don't not do it because it's "bad", I don't do it because I get no social benefit out of being drunk 'cause I'm already personable and it makes me sick as a damn dog. SO THEN WHY DID I DO IT?! I was fine after the first Grand Ma, fine after the Royal Motherfucker, fine after the Firefly and lemonade... then Patron factors into the equation. Tequila and I have a hate-hate relationship... I hate the taste and it gets a kick out of making me miserable. But for some reason I had the urge to shoot straight tequila. That was really dumb. And then who would turn down a free shot? Thank God I had a designated driver, or I'd be crashing on the back porch of Juanita Greenberg's. Or more likely, in the bathroom of Juanita Greenberg's. But I haven't felt this terrible for non-medical reasons in a very, very long time. I blame the tequila, not myself for having consumed it. :P I didn't even get fun drunk. I was okay to stumbling drunk (and WHY did I wear heels? Oh right, 'cause drinking's stupid) to puking four times on the way back to my apartment, including in some poor guy's driveway downtown, in no time flat. Not my proudest moment. I seem to be having a severe lack of proud moments lately. Wonder why that is.
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