Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wouldn't it be lovely to get paid for this? Or anything, really?

I wonder sometimes what one has to do to become a professional blogger. I think the most important issue is probably subject matter. Political blogs, entertainment blogs, lifestyle blogs... etc. I don't think you can just blog about your life and make money unless perhaps you're already famous, which I'm certainly not. Famous in the realm of my imagination maybe. I think some of it has to do with the volume of posting material... now THAT is something I'd never have a problem with. :) I wouldn't even be wondering about such things if I had a job. Any job. Right now I'm on the verge of being destitute. Not quite there yet, but definitely having to be careful of how I spend my money. It gets me thinking about writing though. I would LOVE to write for a living. If I had the focus and drive necessary, I would totally write a novel. There's the rub... a complete and utter lack of focus. Granted, I can focus about the length of one blog entry, but when it comes to sitting down and outlining and planning and KNOWING what I'm going to write before the words reach my fingers, I'm completely and utterly useless. I write in a stream of consciousness type of way, and when I try to plan things, I fail miserably. I don't know how I always did so well on term papers and essays in high school. I just wrote or typed as the words came to me, never with much thought for structured arguments. In that way, I'm a pretty shitty writer. In small doses, I don't imagine it matters too much, but when you're trying to read 300+ pages of stream of consciousness... good God, it's got to be nearly impossible. And as you may have noted, even journal-type writing isn't my thing. I can't report what happened in my day with just the slightest touch of analysis. I am an analyzing machine! That's all I do. I'm not a damn newspaper. I'm not objective when it comes to my own life. Perhaps it's the 4+ years I've been with my therapist that have spoiled me. Insight and introspection are staples of good therapy. I will gladly admit that I have an awesome therapist and she has massively changed my life for the better, but in doing so I think I've become very self centered. Not in the bad way, like I think the universe revolves around me, but more that I care more about what I think than anything else. Maybe that wasn't her doing though. As I said before, I've been consistently blogging for about five and a half years (longer than she's been in the picture), and pardon the crude nature of the comparison, but in many ways I equate blogging to mental masturbation. Self-stimulation of the brain. Maybe I should just let that comparison go right there before I get any deeper into it... the result could be both uncomfortable and rather graphic. ANYWAY, enough for now.

1 comment:

  1. If I may offer a suggestion...I think the answer is right there in your post. When writing a novel, most writers are thrilled to finish just a page and a half or two per day. When you look at it that way, it's not such a daunting task.

    Also, forget outlining. Use your stream of conciousness to your advantage. Consider it an asset rather than a liability.

    If you have even the slightest idea who your characters might be (even one or two will do for starters) just start writing. Let them surprise you. It will be fun and surprising for you, and if that's the case, you know a potential reader would have fun and be surprised as well. Sometimes outlining can make a plot too contrived, and it shows.

    Anyway, I hope you don't mind my input. I just found you while checking out some local blogs.

